The notice of the next public hearing related to the request for a zoning change at our Habitat entrance has been sent out. Please click here to view the public notice. The meeting will be held on Thursday April 4th at 5:00 p.m. at the Robert Anderson Administration Center in Venice. All details are in the notice. It is critical that we get a large turnout of our homeowners at this meeting. If you need a ride, please let any of the Board members know. We will then be asking for volunteers to carpool to accommodate everyone that wishes to attend. Our attorney is working on researching all of the various legal issues that may pertain to this fight. She has also been seeking a delay in this meeting but that must be agreed to by the developer who has filed the petition.
Also attached here is an update from Barb Males, our website administrator on the status of our community website. A lot of work has been put into this and there is still much that remains to be done. Most importantly, the directory is not operational at this time.
Please mark your calendars for the important meeting on April 4th. Also, one more reminder of our Annual Meeting this Thursday, March 21 at 5:30. We hope to be able to begin the meeting as close to 5:30 as possible so please make plans to arrive early in order to get everyone checked in. If you are not able to attend, please give your completed proxy forms to a neighbor who is attending or return them to Sentry. Thanks!
Stephen Meuler
President, Willowbend HOA
Website Update from Barb Males
Residents are welcome to access the website now. The address is
stillĀ Residents cannot Login at this point but much information is publicly available. Not everything has been restored since we are reviewing and updating as we go and that is a time consuming process. The Governing Documents residents might want to review prior to the Annual Meeting are accessible by clicking on the Legal Documents link in the box on the right side of the Home Page.