Zoning Change Proposal
The Board has retained the services of Attorney Jane Graham of Sunshine City Law to assist us in fighting this zoning change proposal. Her practice is based on land use cases and she is very familiar with the opposing attorney and has fought several cases against him. There are a lot of areas that she is exploring to make our case. We will have more information shortly.
She did tell us that the most important thing for us to do is to overwhelm the meeting on April 4th with the Planning Commission. We need to have a very large turnout of our homeowners to show strong opposition to this change. We still don’t have final details of that meeting but the attorney will get them for us.
Please make plans to attend the meeting on April 4 and talk to your neighbors about attending. We will set up a carpool list for those who may need a ride to the meeting.
Annual Meeting
First of all, I understand that some homeowners never received the mailing from Sentry. I don’t know what to say. Sentry has provided us with the “affidavit of mailing” for all homeowners in our community. We simply have no control over the Post Office.
Cheri will be at the rec center tomorrow (March 14) from 2:00 – 4:00 and again next week Wednesday (March 20) from 9:00 – 11:00. She will have copies of the mailing with her tomorrow if you need to pick one up.
Also, PLEASE read the information in the mailing and if you are not going to attend the Annual Meeting, complete BOTH proxy forms and submit them. You can mail them to Sentry per the instructions, give them in the sealed envelopes to Cheri when she is here tomorrow or next Wednesday or give them to another homeowner who will be attending the meeting. We need to hear from as many of you as possible!
Congrats are due one of our homeowners – David Pinkham of 529 Luminary.
Dave was able to rescue two young girls who were struggling in the water off of the jetty in Venice this past Friday. Good job Dave!
Lost Dog
One of our homeowners, Steve Miller on Habitat found a dog near our entrance on Monday and was unable to find the owner. On Tuesday he took the dog to animal services. If you know someone in the community (or elsewhere in the area) that has lost their dog you can contact Steve for more information at 941-451-1137.
I look forward to seeing all of you at our Annual Meeting next week!
Stephen Meuler
President, Willowbend HOA