This email is to provide an update on a few important issues for the community.
Our website is still not operational but progress is being made. We ask that you continue to refrain from attempting to access the site while we are working to restore the information. Special thanks to Barb Males, Marsh Hestenes and Frank Snow who are working on this project. It is possible that some information has been lost and we may need homeowners to resubmit contact information for the website directory. You will be advised if this becomes necessary.
Annual Meeting
As previously announced, our Annual Meeting will be held on Thursday March 21st at 5:30 p.m. at the Hotel Venezia on the bypass in Venice. Very shortly you will be receiving a mailing from Sentry with information for the meeting. In addition to information for our election of Board members, there will also be a copy of the proposed restated governing documents for our Association. Please do not disregard this mailing. I URGE you to read all of the information carefully and if you will not be attending the annual meeting please complete the Proxy form (included in the mailing) and return it to Sentry. It is important that we get a response from at least 2/3 of our homeowners. PLEASE give this your attention when you receive the mailing.
Landscaping Information
LMP is scheduled to apply a treatment for grubs on all the lawns in the community in the next few days. Dylox, the chemical being used, is reported to be safe for children and pets. After this treatment, the shrub beds and lawns are also scheduled to be sprayed for weeds. The lawns were fertilized earlier this month. The shrubs are also scheduled to be fertilized with a liquid fertilizer within the next 10 days.
In the month of March LMP will be applying a preventative for chinch bugs to all turf areas.
As you can see, caring for the lawns in the community not only requires a lot of water but an extensive use of chemicals. I would urge homeowners who are considering any landscaping projects to think about minimizing the use of sod in favor of shrubs or other ground covers.
Please mark your calendars for the Annual Meeting on March 21st. Everyone is encouraged to attend. If you are unable to attend please remember to return your proxy form! Many thanks!
Stephen Meuler
President, Willowbend HOA